Quite typical of Canada: hardly anything symbolizes the vast wilderness of the country more than a bush plane. Especially in the far north, where distances are great, and roads are rare, bush planes seem as common as birds in the sky. In the Northwest Territories, too, bush planes are part of everyday life. A lot is expected of the robust aircrafts here, as long and well-developed runways are rarely available in the wilderness. And some even prefer to land on the water! But which is which? Not all of us are experts at identifying different types of aircrafts. Here’s a handy birder’s-guide-style primer providing the necessary insights:
DeHavilland Beaver (Hardius workhorsicus)
Physical characteristics:
9.2 metres long, box-shaped body and blunt, pug-like nose
Once described as "big ol' pelican"
Slow, cumbersome, but carries its weight in fish
Loud snarl punctuated with piston-like bangs and pings
Flies anywhere, cruises non-stop for hours
Cruises non-stop for hours
1,657 (produced 1947 - 1967)
Related species:
Norseman, Turbo Beaver
Notable fact:
The Beaver is named after Canada’s national animal, but the first Canadian-designed DeHavilland was named the Chipmunk.
Piper Cub (Bushplaneicus typicalensis)
Physical characteristics:
6.8 metres long
Highly recognizable by its eager, snub nose and open, friendly face
The Cub’s low-hanging belly and stocky legs lend it a slow, sturdy air
The butterfly of bush planes, it flies nearly silently
A regular of lakes in the Northwest Territories; congregates around amateur pilots and tour operators
19,888 (produced 1938 - 1947)
Related species:
Super Cub
Notable fact:
The Cub is the most popular training plane.
DeHavilland Twin Otter (Enterprisius canadiensis)
Physical characteristics:
15.8 metres long
Sleek pointed nose and full bottom-heavy chest
Long blunt-tipped wings set toward the centre of the back
Plumage variable
Quite growl
Intermittent slow shooshes when propellers reverse direction mid-flight
Cold, remote regions.
844 (produced 1965 – 1988, 2008 - present)
Related species:
The single-engine Otter
Notable fact:
In 2001, when Antarctica’s resident doctor needed a medevac from his -60°C winter outpost, the Twin Otter was the only plane rescuers trusted to perform the mission.
DC-3 (Oneofakindus)
Physical characteristics:
Full, tapered belly resembling a fish
Low wings that angle toward a central, three-pronged trail
Plumage variable, but Northern species usually have a green mask
Silent persistence howl
Well adapted to ice
Requires a long landing strip
607 (produced 1936 – 1942, 1950)
Related species:
None. It’s been said that the only replacement for a DC-3 is another DC-3.
Starred in the History Channel’s long running show Ice Pilots NWT.
Cessna 185 (Speedy gonzalicus)
Physical characteristics:
7.9 metres long
Feline nose
Slender tail
Agile, lither, maneuvers well, highly responsive
Can fly on floats, wheels or ski
On take-off, it emits a ping, followed by an uninterrupted, sopund-barrier-breaking screech
Wild mountain regions
more than 4,400 Exemplare (produced 1961 – 1985)
Related species:
Found Bush Hawk
Notable fact:
Founder Clyde Cessna tested all his own prototypes and once leapt from an inverted plane mid-flight.
Pilatus Porter (Mountainous goatus)
Physical characteristics:
11 metres long
Box-shaped snout, wiry legs and square wingtips
Unattractive but spry
Noisy growl, similar to the Beaver
The Northern Pilatus nests in Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, year-round
562 (produced 1959 - present)
Related species:
Helio Courier, Helio Stallion
Notable fact:
The Pilatus holds the world record for highest landing by a fixed-wing aircraft: in 1960, it touched down on a 5,750-metre mountain peak in Nepal.
Further information on the Northwest Territories can be found at www.spectacularnwt.com.