A power woman: Michaela has over 27 years of tourism experience with travel agencies, tour operators and of course: destination-marketing.
In 2011, she incorporated Denkzauber and has gained excellent reputation leading the “best boutique-style destination marketing agency” in-market. Running the company is her adventure of a lifetime.
Destination Canada Peer Award
Destination Canada Team Award
Willy Scharnow Award for the best long-distance learning program for the travel trade
Globus Award (by German travel agents) for being the best NTO in-market
Founders of the Year Award Nominee by her hometown Krefeld
And while awards and accolades are amazing milestones on this journey, every story she helps shape is a testament to the power of tourism to connect and inspire.
Passions That Fuel the Journey:
My job - I love what I do, my kids, my dog, traveling, the Outdoors, Skiing and winter activities (the colder, the better - the winter is my playground ;-)), books, music and spending time with the ones I love.
Best travel moment: Every journey has its special moments - it´s the magic of travel! Exploring new landscapes, soaking in unfamiliar cultures, smelling new things. I just can't get enough :-)
Source of Energy: My kids - they are so much like me and yet their own persons. They help me grow as I help them and are my daily dose of inspiration. Also everyday life - there are so many wonderful details in this world if you keep your eyes open.

Michaela Arnold
Managing Director, Adventure Enthusiast,
and Award-Winning Tourism Expert