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Karin started her work for Denkzauber in 2011. She is Account Manager for Travel Manitoba and Tourism Saskatchewan and happy to support all clients and the team with her expertise and enthusiasm for tourism, marketing and Canada.

Passions that fuel the journey:

I love travelling – above all with my kids. What a blessing being able to show them the world! But I also love my home town and its way of living. My heart beats for our local soccer team and I watch them live in the stadium whenever I can. I enjoy spending time with the ones I love, family and friends. It’s often the little things that make a happy life. And I love my job – what a gift to work with wonderful colleagues and in an inspiring industry!

Best travel moment: 

No doubt – seeing a polar bear in its natural habitat made my heart stop beating for a little while and left me speechless, breathless and simply happy. A life-changing moment. 


Source of inspiration: 

Walking through life with open eyes, I find inspiration in many ways. Reading the newspaper or a good book, watching people – young and old – and listening to them. Meeting friends and sharing thoughts, memories, plans and happiness. 

Karin Schreiber

Karin Schreiber 
Account Manager

Photo Credit: Travel Manitoba

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