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Fulfillment & Logistics
Since brochures, give-aways and similar are also an important part of destination marketing and strengthen the presence on the travel market – both with customers and tour operators - we also offer mailhouse & fulfillment or logistics services.
Our tailor-made services include:
Warehousing of collateral material (on pallets in heated warehouse space)
Secure storage of tradeshow and promotional items
Bulk and individual direct mailing of collateral materials
Coordination of mailing services
Handling of customs for materials from overseas / outside of Germany (any taxes / fees will be passed on)
Print preparation of labels and/or accompanying labels
Pallet shipping service (to ITB, consumer shows and other fairs)
Postage optimization
In times like these, when environment and digitalization are playing an increasingly important role, we are also happy to consult regarding your fulfillment strategy.
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